Kentucky Dreams

2 years ago I moved from Carroll County Maryland to Grayson County Kentucky (about 10 hours away) in pursuit of happiness, freedom and giant bucks. Last year I was fortunate enough to tag a nice 9 point on public land. I was able to get it all on film and couldn't have been happier with him. It's a little different terrain here than I was used to, but loved the challenge and the thought of knowing there's giant deer around.

After last season I set a goal for myself to target a buck in the 150s and hopefully kill my biggest buck to date. Up to this point in my hunting career i’ve been lucky to kill some great bucks, but my best was a 10 point that gross scored 158 about 9 years ago in Maryland. So I started off the year scouting a lot of public land and was fortunate enough to get permission to hunt a nice farm that not too many people bow hunt. It's mostly a big bean field with a few wooded lots that border the edge. My 1st time in there I bumped a buck that looked like a giant with a kicker but didn't get a great look at him. I set some cameras in this area and he was back in there within a day or 2. I was pumped he had so much character I've never seen a buck like that anywhere I've ever hunted.

Fast forward through the summer I had pictures of him on and off through the summer, but he had disappeared after loosing his velvet. I did have a couple other good bucks there, but nothing that caught my interest. So my thoughts were to leave the farm alone hunt public and hope to find a giant. I don't think I've ever scouted so much in my life. It got to the point where I was getting frustrated for putting so much effort in and not getting anything out of it. The weather was so hot and the amount of acorns on the ground was unbelievable. I didn't have a buck over 3 years old in shooting range all September and October.

Finally November arrives and in my mind I knew this was my chance to get it done. We had some cold temperatures rolling in for the first week and I was pumped. Decided to go check the farm and check my camera's. There he was, he wasn't coming in during daylight, but I knew he was on this far side of the farm. I took off work for that week and knew I was gonna be hunting hard.

Started off hunting the area I had figured I may see him but no luck. I was just hunting the spots where I had the best wind and a good vantage point to hopefully lay eyes on him. I was still struggling to see any decent bucks and then the mental ware started and I was wondering what I was doing wrong. After 4 days I finally saw a good buck out in the field at last light and that was what I needed to boost my confidence.

The wind switched up on day 5 and I haven't hunted this 1 section of the farm. I went in that day and just had this feeling of I'm gonna hunt until I kill this deer. As soon as I hit the field edge there was a giant scrape about the size of a car hood and 4 or 5 other scrapes farther up the edge. I knew this was "the spot" and found 2 small trees that were next to each other. Setup in the straighter of the two and trimmed out all the vines that were in it. I had a perfect wind and was about 50 yards from the corner of this field. I was using a saddle and platform that was ideal for this setup.

I didn't have much action that afternoon and began thinking about what I was gonna do the following morning. As soon as I started thinking that a nice size doe came from my right and I'll be honest I thought about shooting her I just wanted to get some meat after the long season I had been having. About the time I grab my bow she looks behind her and there he was. He's at 30 yards at this point and my heart is pounding. They both were super calm just taking a few steps and stopping to look around. I had my tree directly between us and knew I couldn't swing around the tree because he would catch my movement. Finally he took a few steps and looked away from me. I came to full draw and settled my pin. The shot was perfect and he bolted into the beans about 50 yards away and tipped over.

The flood of emotions that came over me is something I'll never forget. I knew he was a good deer, but I didn't realize he was as big as he was. I called a buddy of mine and asked if he could help me get him out. When we walked up to him I couldn't believe it he had 18 points and I knew my goal had been met. I can't wait to share this hunt with you all on Whitetail Addictions TV the footage is awesome.

If there's one thing I took from this season up to this point is believe in yourself. I am by no means a hunter that thinks I'm better than anyone, but having confidence in your setups is huge. Hunting can be a mentally draining sport when you dump so much effort in and don't get the results you're looking for. But keep after them and eventually it will come together. Over the years I've caught myself doing this before and like they say you can go from the lowest low to the highest high in a matter of minutes.

-Justin Synan-