A Monarch in "the Turkey woods"

It was a beautiful morning out in the "turkey woods" today. There was a lot of bird activity early, but not where I was sitting. At about 10:00 I watched two big birds walk away across a small swampy area about 500 yards away. They ended up on a narrow grass strip between the swamp and some large spruce trees. After they were out of sight I picked up and went over to the swamp edge. I found a big tree about 30 yards into a woods that borders the swamp and a trail that followed a fence line.

Shortly after I set up the two toms started gobbling quite often. They were working their strut zone along the narrow grass strip. They were totally out of sight because of some thick willow brush. A hen came by me at about 15 yards and it sounded like the gobbling was getting closer. At one point I caught sight of one of the toms sneaking through the willow brush. He disappeared behind a small rise, but never showed up again.

The gobbling stopped for a while and when I heard it again they had moved off several hundred yards. About 20 minutes passed and I heard two gobbles coming closer. It then went quiet again. 20 minutes more passed and I caught movement to my right. Those toms had come across the swamp without me seeing them. I wasn't sure if they would pass close enough for a shot. When the bird got behind a larger tree between us I quickly scooted over to the tree cutting the distance by 10 yards. I got up as I heard an alert put and got my red dot on his head when he stopped. He went down on the shot and his twin brother scampered across the grassy swamp.

This tom had some of the biggest spurs I have ever taken. 1 1/2 and 1 3/8 inches. He was 22 lbs. and had a 10 1/4-inch beard. The property owner said this is one of the birds they have been trying to get for the past 4 years. I feel very blessed to have taken such a beautiful trophy bird.

-David Zielke-